How Cost Segregation Threatens Your Business - and What to Do About It
Cost segregation is a problem that businesses face all the time. It’s when different parts of the business charge different prices for the same service or product. This results in businesses being unable to compete and losing customers. Cost segregation can be caused by a number of factors, but one of the most important is company size. When larger companies have to charge more for the same product or service, they can put a damper on competition and prevent them from offering better prices or services. However, here experts at Riverside TACS share some ways to overcome cost segregation and keep your business running like a well-oiled machine. The Effects of Cost Segregation on Businesses There are a number of effects that cost segregation has on businesses. The first and most obvious effect is that it can reduce the amount of competition and prevent businesses from offering better prices or services. This can lead to a loss in customers and a decrease in profits. Additionally, cost...